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城乡规划  Urban Planning 080702
              培养目标:本专业培养适应国家与社会城乡建设发展需要,具备坚实的城乡规划设计基础理论知识与应用实践能力,富有社会责   任感、团队精神和创新思维,具有国际视野和可持续发展理念、尊重地方历史文化,能在专业规划设计机构、管理机构、研究机构从事城乡规划设计及其相关的开发与管理、教学与研究等方面工作的城乡规划复合型高级人才。
1)大学英语(系列) 2)设计初步(系列) (3)数字化设计(系列) (4)美术(系列)。
(1)城市规划原理(系列 )(2)规划师业务基础 (3)建筑设计 (系列) (4)城市规划设计 (系列) (5)城市地理学 (6)城市生态学 (7)城市经济学 (8)城市交通规划 (9)城市市政工程 (10)城市规划概论 (11)中外城市建设史。    
        (3)专业教育72.5学分,百分比50.2%; 其中专业设计44学分,百分比30.4%;专业基础9学分,百分比6.2%;专业技术12.5学分,百分比8.7%。专业史论7学分,百分比4.8%
I.            Program Name and Code
Urban Planning,080702
II.         Disciplines
III.       Length of Schooling and Degree
5 years (allowing time: 4 to 8 years), Bachelor of Engineering
IV.       Program Objectives and Characteristics
Training objectives:
To train the high-level talents to meet the needs of the development of the states and the society, with a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge and practical application ability, with the sense of social responsibility, teamwork and innovative thinking, a global vision and concept of sustainable development, respecting for local history and culture. To train the inter- disciplinary talents to work for the professional planning and design institutions, management organizaitons, research institutions engaging in the designing and planning town and country in development and management, teaching and research field.
Professional Characteristics:
Based on the profession of urban planning, as well as the profession of architecture, involving related displines of urban study, with a focus on “thick foundation, wide caliber, strong ability, high-quality”in professional training. The task is for the purpose of “based on the capital, facing the country, relying on the construction industry, serving urban construction”, to train the graduates to meet the needs of the industry.
V.         Student Learning Outcomes
The students mainly learn basic knowledge and basic theory of urban and rural planning, acquire basic training in principles, procedures, methods and expression and other aspects in planning, to be equipped with the basic capabilities to handle the complex relationship between urban development and the natural environment, social environment and historical heritage, and be capable of dealing with the work in design and management in town and rural planning.
Graduates should have the following qualities and abilities:
1. With lofty professional ethics and proper values, solid natural sciences and humanities and social science foundation, good professional quality, humanities and mental and physical qualities; international perspective, the modern consciousness and healthy interpersonal awareness;
2. With foreign language skills and computer skills;
3. To grasp the concept, principles, procedures and methods in urban and rural planning and design; to grasp the basic technology of sustainable urban and rural development; to grasp the theories and methods of regional analysis and planning; to master the basic knowledge and methods of urban and rural roads in transportation system planning; to ba capable to complete investigation and analysis, organizations and research, planning and management, planning and design, as well as communication and interaction skills;
4. To master the contents of "Town and Country Planning Act", to learn the rules and regulations in urban and rural planning and management;
5. To master the basic skills in architectural design, landscape planning and design, urban transportation planning;
6. To learn the knowledge of urban and rural environment and geography, urban and rural economy and society, history and culture of urban and rural areas, urban and rural construction and management, urban and rural infrastructure, with the ability to apply the knowledge of urban and rural planning;
7. To understand developments in the field of urban and rural planning, to have some predictive ability, comprehensive thinking ability, professional analytical skills, impartiality processing capabilities, the ability to construct a consensus and collaborative innovation.
VI.       Major disciplines
Urban and Rural Planning
VII.    Major Courses
According to relevant documents of "National Urban Planning Undergraduate Colleges (Five-year) Educational Assessment (Trial)", "Undergraduate Colleges Guidance Of Professional Norms in Urban And Rural Planning Discipline (2013 edition)", as well as the requirements in the documents of curriculum adjustment, our courses are set on the six displines, based on the platform offered by the university, i.e. professional basic courses, professional core design courses, professional core theory courses, supplemented by the basic courses and elective courses which are broad-based, wide knowledge, so as to form a complete professional training curriculum.
1Main Basic Courses (4)
1Basic Courses Group of General Education:College English(Series)
2Basic Courses Group of Design:Preliminary Design (series)、Graphic Thinking and Expression (Series), Digital Design (Series), Art (Series).
2Main Courses (11)
1Basic Course Group: Urban Planning Principles (Series), Basic Business of Urban Planners, Architectural Design and Principles (Series), Urban Planning and Design Principles (Series);
2Professional and Technical Courses Group: Urban Geography, Urban Ecology, Urban Economics, Urban Traffic Engineering,
3Professional History Courses Group:the Introduction of Urban Planning, History of City Development.
VIII、Major Practical Training
1Main Experiments:
1Category of Experiment Courses: Digital Design Experiments, Geographic Information Systems Experiments, Experimental Video, Color Management Experiments, Model Experiments, Engineering Measurement Experiment, Building Structure and Morphology Experiments, Urban Physical Environment Experiments, Design Psychological Experiments, Design Exhibition Experiments.
2Main Practices:
 (1) Special week: 1) Design Studio (series) 2) College English 3) the examination and design review
(2) Practice Courses: Engineering Surveying Practice, Art Practices, Practices of Gardening Botanics, Practices of Geographic Information Systems, Practices of Urban Transportation Engineering, Practices of Urban Study, Practices of Urban Municipal Engineering, Practices of Digital Design (co-design), Practices of urban planning and design (series), Practices of Architectural Structure, Practices of Urban Physical Evironment, Practices of Professional Design (Investigation), Practices of Conservation of Historic Cities and Building, Practices of Urban Environment Protection, Practices of Registered Urban Planner, Practices of Creative Design Activities.
(3) Diploma Design: 1) Announcement for design project 2) Graduation practice3) Graduation design 4) Graduation exhibition 5) Design defence
IX. Graduation Requirements
1Students must get credits of prerequisite courses before they start the diploma design.
2Students must finish the mid-term inspection and examination of the diploma design.
Students who get “not pass” in the mid-term examination (including recheck) will have to stop the ongoing diploma design, and then are given the chance to apply for the next diploma design according to the relevant regulations of “flexible educational system (4-8 years )”.
3Students need get 214 credits (the minimum of total credits) during their 5-year study, including of 144.5 credits (equivalent to a minimum total hours of 2312 hours) and 61.5 credits ( the minimum credits of practical courses)
The minimum credits for University Elective Courses are 8, referring to “The Management Regulations for Undergraduate Students of BUCEA”
X. Table of Teaching Program see the attached sheet
XI. Table of Teaching Arrangementsee the attached sheet
XII. Table of Practice Teaching Arrangement see the attached sheet
XIII. Curriculum composition    
1.Theory Teaching
(1) Courses in General Education: 35 credits, 22.9%
(2) Courses in Basic Specialty Education: 37 credits,25.6%;
(3) Courses in Specialty Education72.5 credits, 44%, including 44 credits, 27.1% for professional design; 9 credits, 6.2% for Basic Specialty; 12.5 credits, 8.7% for professional technology; and 7credits,4.8% for professional history and theory.
2.Practice Teaching69 credits, 33.5%
3. Required Course/Electives
Total credits of compulsory courses: 119.5, 78.4%Total credits of elective courses: 33 credits, 21.6%
